St. Anne's Music Ministry
Music is central to the worship life at St. Anne's. The music program at St. Anne's is varied and presently includes a focus on blended worship (traditional organ and choral music as well as more contemporary selections). A variety of musical groups participate in worship.
St. Anne's Music Ministry takes the summer off. All choirs will start back up in September.
St. Anne's Choir
The St. Anne's Choir sings regularly at the 10 AM Sunday morning worship. The choir leads the St. Anne's Community in the singing of hymns and liturgical music. Highlights of the choir season include Lessons and Carols as well as special holiday presentations before the Christmas Eve Eucharist and during Holy Week services. The Choir is open to all persons without an audition. No experience necessary...just a love of music! The Choir rehearses once a week and before the service Sunday morning.
Contemporary Music Team (CMT)
CMT leads the worship music for the 10AM Sunday Service one Sunday a month- usually the last Sunday. CMT rehearses on Saturday mornings prior to leading worship. The group includes singers and instrumentalists of all kinds. Contact any member of CMT for more information.
The St. Anne's Choir sings regularly at the 10 AM Sunday morning worship. The choir leads the St. Anne's Community in the singing of hymns and liturgical music. Highlights of the choir season include Lessons and Carols as well as special holiday presentations before the Christmas Eve Eucharist and during Holy Week services. The Choir is open to all persons without an audition. No experience necessary...just a love of music! The Choir rehearses once a week and before the service Sunday morning.
Contemporary Music Team (CMT)
CMT leads the worship music for the 10AM Sunday Service one Sunday a month- usually the last Sunday. CMT rehearses on Saturday mornings prior to leading worship. The group includes singers and instrumentalists of all kinds. Contact any member of CMT for more information.
Hand Bell Choir
The Bell Choir meets for weekly rehearsals. New ringers are always welcome-teenagers to adults. No experience is necessary although it is helpful if you can read basic musical rhythms. Consider joining us for fun and fellowship.
The Bell Choir meets for weekly rehearsals. New ringers are always welcome-teenagers to adults. No experience is necessary although it is helpful if you can read basic musical rhythms. Consider joining us for fun and fellowship.
Instrumentalists of all kinds and ages are welcome to share their talents with the congregation.Whether accompanying the choir, playing in Folk Group or presenting a solo musical offering, all are welcome! Please make yourself known to members of the Music Ministry so we can make sure your talent is not hidden!
Instrumentalists of all kinds and ages are welcome to share their talents with the congregation.Whether accompanying the choir, playing in Folk Group or presenting a solo musical offering, all are welcome! Please make yourself known to members of the Music Ministry so we can make sure your talent is not hidden!