Pastoral Emergencies...
If you are in need of immediate medical care, please call 911. If you are a member of the parish in need of urgent Pastoral Care,
please dial 920-336-9571 and press 5 to leave a confidential message, including a phone number you can be reached at.
Your call will be returned as soon as they are able. This voicemail box is for use during times of crisis, such as an unexpected hospital admission or a death in the family, not for financial assistance.
Eucharistic Visitors
Eucharistic Visitors Ministry started in the Episcopal Church in 1985 for the purpose of bringing Holy Communion to parishioners who are unable to attend church services. This is an important pastoral ministry that is necessarily being met by Eucharistic Visitors every day. They act under the direction of clergy as an extension of their ministry. If you believe you are in need of this ministry, please contact the church offices at 336-9571.
Hospital Visits
Please advise the church offices immediately (336-9571) when you, or a loved one, is admitted to the hospital. Our clergy make it a priority to visit, anoint, and pray with all members when they are admitted to the local hospitals… but we only know when you are in the hospital if you tell us.
Prayer List
If you know of a prayer need, please contact the church offices (336-9571) immediately and we will add the prayer intention to our Sunday Intercession List as well as pass it along to our intercessory prayer ministry (prayer chain). Likewise, if you or your loved one has been released from the hospital and/or recovered from illness, please let us know so that we can keep the prayer list as current as possible. Intentions remain on the Intercession List for two weeks. To submit a prayer request, click here
Baptism Blanket and Prayer Shawls
This unique ministry meets to hand craft baptism blankets and prayer shawls. The baptism blankets are provided to each newly baptized infant at St Anne’s, along with a personalized banner to mark the occasion. Prayer shawls are also hand-crafted and are provided to those individuals in the parish who are in need; spirit, soul, or body.
St. Anne’s Basket Ministry
Through this ministry, a hot meal is delivered daily for one week after the birth of your child. Meals and support are also offered to those members recovering from surgery or other need. Contact the Parish Office is you need this ministry.
Life Planning and Pastoral Response
The clergy of St Annes are always available should a crisis occur in your life. A clergy member can be reached in case of emergency 24/7. Simply call the church at 920-336-9571 for information and to reach a clergy member. There will be a vm box set up that is confidential. A member of Clergy will return your call as soon as they are able.
Individual Healing Prayer
On Sundays, following the services, Individual Healing Prayer is available. Simply come to the Altar Rail and stand or kneel as you are able. Friends and family are encouraged to be a part of this prayer.
We are pleased to make ourselves available to you and serve as a source of pastoral counsel for key and critical times in your life. Should you desire information regarding counseling, marriage preparation and weddings, or end of life plans, please contact the church office.
If you are in need of immediate medical care, please call 911. If you are a member of the parish in need of urgent Pastoral Care,
please dial 920-336-9571 and press 5 to leave a confidential message, including a phone number you can be reached at.
Your call will be returned as soon as they are able. This voicemail box is for use during times of crisis, such as an unexpected hospital admission or a death in the family, not for financial assistance.
Eucharistic Visitors
Eucharistic Visitors Ministry started in the Episcopal Church in 1985 for the purpose of bringing Holy Communion to parishioners who are unable to attend church services. This is an important pastoral ministry that is necessarily being met by Eucharistic Visitors every day. They act under the direction of clergy as an extension of their ministry. If you believe you are in need of this ministry, please contact the church offices at 336-9571.
Hospital Visits
Please advise the church offices immediately (336-9571) when you, or a loved one, is admitted to the hospital. Our clergy make it a priority to visit, anoint, and pray with all members when they are admitted to the local hospitals… but we only know when you are in the hospital if you tell us.
Prayer List
If you know of a prayer need, please contact the church offices (336-9571) immediately and we will add the prayer intention to our Sunday Intercession List as well as pass it along to our intercessory prayer ministry (prayer chain). Likewise, if you or your loved one has been released from the hospital and/or recovered from illness, please let us know so that we can keep the prayer list as current as possible. Intentions remain on the Intercession List for two weeks. To submit a prayer request, click here
Baptism Blanket and Prayer Shawls
This unique ministry meets to hand craft baptism blankets and prayer shawls. The baptism blankets are provided to each newly baptized infant at St Anne’s, along with a personalized banner to mark the occasion. Prayer shawls are also hand-crafted and are provided to those individuals in the parish who are in need; spirit, soul, or body.
St. Anne’s Basket Ministry
Through this ministry, a hot meal is delivered daily for one week after the birth of your child. Meals and support are also offered to those members recovering from surgery or other need. Contact the Parish Office is you need this ministry.
Life Planning and Pastoral Response
The clergy of St Annes are always available should a crisis occur in your life. A clergy member can be reached in case of emergency 24/7. Simply call the church at 920-336-9571 for information and to reach a clergy member. There will be a vm box set up that is confidential. A member of Clergy will return your call as soon as they are able.
Individual Healing Prayer
On Sundays, following the services, Individual Healing Prayer is available. Simply come to the Altar Rail and stand or kneel as you are able. Friends and family are encouraged to be a part of this prayer.
We are pleased to make ourselves available to you and serve as a source of pastoral counsel for key and critical times in your life. Should you desire information regarding counseling, marriage preparation and weddings, or end of life plans, please contact the church office.